Tus Sau: Sara Rhodes
Hnub Kev Tsim: 9 Lub Ob Hli Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 22 Lub Ob Hli Ntuj 2025
LOVE your booty with BOMBSHELL BOOTY!!! #LookforLOVE
Daim Duab: LOVE your booty with BOMBSHELL BOOTY!!! #LookforLOVE

Zoo Siab

Cov Poj Niam Tone It Up, Karena thiab Katrina, yog ob peb tus ntxhais nyiam nyiam nyob ntawd. Thiab tsis yog vim lawv muaj qee lub tswv yim ua haujlwm zoo-lawv kuj paub noj zaub mov li cas. Peb tau xaiv lawv lub hlwb rau daim ntawv qhia qab zib thiab ntsim Kale Zaub xam lav, 1-Minute Microwave Cookie, thiab qhov tshwj xeeb tshwj xeeb Avocado, Zib ntab, thiab khoom noj txom ncauj paj noob hlis.

Tab sis muaj ib yam uas peb ib txwm nyiam los txhawb peb txoj kev rov ua haujlwm tom qab ua haujlwm: smoothie. Superfoods thiab cov zaub tshiab tuaj yeem tuaj thiab mus, tab sis smoothies yog ib si. Peb yog cov neeg ntseeg ruaj khov uas koj tsis tuaj yeem muaj ntau cov zaub mov txawv, thiab yog vim li cas peb thiaj nug Karena thiab Katrina los qhia lawv cov kev nyiam: lub blueberry foob pob uas muaj cov tshuaj tua kab mob txaus, cov protein, thiab cov khoom noj kom tig koj mus rau hauv Tone It Up bombshell.

Cov khoom xyaw yog super yooj yim; pib nrog qee cov mis nyuj almond (muab vanilla lossis txiv maj phaub sim, tab sis nco ntsoov tuav tsis tau qab zib!), Pov qee cov txiv tsawb khov (hlais lawv thiab khov lawv kom lawv npaj tau thaum twg!), blueberries tshiab, thiab koj nyiam cov protein hmoov. Cov ntxhais TIU siv lawv tshwj xeeb ua cov vanilla Perfect Fit hmoov-cov organic, tsis-GMO, cog cov protein. Qhov no-calorie smoothie muaj cov poov tshuaj thiab cov protein los pab koj cov leeg rov qab ua haujlwm, thiab qab qab heev.

Tab sis tus smoothie zais cia koj yuav tsum tau saib cov yeeb yaj kiab kom pom? Qhov kos npe Tone It Up "co dance," uas yuav tsum tau thaum sib xyaw. Ua haujlwm hauv tsom iav margarita thiab sab saum toj nrog cacao nibs (ntxiv cov qab zib thiab zom) rau qhov kawg ntawm lub foob pob tawg. (Yog tias koj xav tau rab diav ntau dua li sip, sim cov 10 Smoothie Bowl Recipes Under 500 Calories.)

Ntsuam xyuas rau

Kev tshaj tawm

Pom Zoo Rau Koj



Nt hauv yog ib co kab me me ua nyob ntawm tib neeg lub taub hau. Cov nt hauv lau tau luaj li lub noob hnav noob hnav. Cov qe, hu ua qe nt hauv, txawm tia me dua - txog qhov loj me ntawm dandruff flake...


T i txhob noj t huaj ali kiren yog tia koj xeeb tub. Yog tia koj cev xeeb tub thaum noj ali kiren, hu rau koj tu kw kho mob tam im ntawd. Ali kiren tuaj yeem t im kev pua t uaj rau tu me nyuam hauv pl...