Immunoglobulins Qhov Ntshav Ntshav

Zoo Siab
- Kev kuaj ntshav ntawm cov tshuaj immunoglobulins yog dab tsi?
- Nws siv rau dab tsi?
- Vim li cas kuv thiaj li xav tau txhaj tshuaj immunoglobulins?
- Muaj dab tsi tshwm sim thaum txhaj tshuaj immunoglobulins?
- Kuv puas yuav tau ua ib yam dab tsi txhawm rau npaj rau qhov kev xeem?
- Puas muaj kev pheej hmoo rau kev kuaj?
- Cov txiaj ntsig li cas?
- Puas muaj lwm yam ntxiv uas kuv xav paub txog kev kuaj ntshav immunglobulins?
- Ua tim khawv
Kev kuaj ntshav ntawm cov tshuaj immunoglobulins yog dab tsi?
Kev ntsuam xyuas no ntsuas tus nqi ntawm immunoglobulins, tseem hu ua tshuaj tua kab mob hauv koj cov ntshav. Cov tshuaj tua kab mob yog cov protein ua los ntawm lub cev tiv thaiv kab mob los tawm tsam cov kab mob uas ua rau mob, xws li kab mob thiab kab mob. Koj lub cev ua ntau hom tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob los tawm tsam ntau hom tshuaj sib txawv no.
Qhov tshuaj tiv thaiv immunoglobulins feem ntau ntsuas peb yam tshwj xeeb ntawm immunoglobulins. Lawv tau hu ua igG, igM, thiab IgA. Yog tias koj cov theem ntawm igG, igM, lossis IgA poob qis lossis siab dhau, nws yuav yog qhov cim ntawm qhov mob loj.
Lwm lub npe: cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntau ntau, tag nrho cov tshuaj immunoglobulins, IgG, IgM, IgA kuaj
Nws siv rau dab tsi?
Luag yuav siv cov tshuaj immunoglobulins los pab kuaj mob rau ntau yam mob, suav nrog:
- Cov kab mob los yog kab mob kis tau
- Kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob, yog ib qho mob uas ua rau lub cev txo qis kev muaj peev xwm los tua kab mob thiab lwm yam kab mob
- Lub autoimmune tsis meej, xws li mob rheumatoid kev mob caj dab lossis lupus. Lub tshuab ua kom lub cev ua rau lub cev ua rau koj lub cev tsis muaj zog tiv thaiv cov hlwb noj qab haus huv, cov nqaij, thiab / lossis cov khoom nruab nrog los ntawm qhov ua tsis yog.
- Qee hom mob qog nqaij hlav, xws li ntau yam mob myeloma
- Cov kab mob hauv cov menyuam mos
Vim li cas kuv thiaj li xav tau txhaj tshuaj immunoglobulins?
Tej zaum koj yuav xav tau qhov kev ntsuas no yog tias koj tus kws saib xyuas kev noj qab haus huv xav tias koj cov qib tshuaj immunoglobulin yuav poob qis lossis siab dhau.
Cov tsos mob ntawm theem uas qis dhau muaj:
- Ntau zaus thiab / los yog muaj kab mob txawv txav lossis kis tau zoo
- Mob plab zawv
- Cov mob Sinus
- Lub ntsws muaj kab mob
- Tsev neeg keeb kwm tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob
Yog tias koj cov qib tshuaj immunoglobulin ntau dhau lawm, nws yuav yog qhov cim ntawm tus kab mob autoimmune, mob ntev, mob, lossis ib hom mob cancer. Cov tsos mob ntawm cov mob no txawv heev. Koj tus kws kho mob yuav siv cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm koj kev kuaj mob lub cev, keeb kwm kev kho mob, thiab / lossis lwm yam kev kuaj mob seb koj puas muaj feem yuav ua mob rau cov kabmob no.
Muaj dab tsi tshwm sim thaum txhaj tshuaj immunoglobulins?
Tus kws kho mob yuav kuaj ntshav ntawm txoj hlab ntshav hauv koj txhais caj npab, siv rab koob me me. Tom qab cov koob raug tso nkag, cov ntshav me me yuav raug sau rau hauv lub khob kuaj lossis vial. Koj tuaj yeem hnov me ntsis thaum cov koob nkag mus lossis tawm. Qhov no feem ntau yuav siv sijhawm tsawg dua tsib feeb.
Kuv puas yuav tau ua ib yam dab tsi txhawm rau npaj rau qhov kev xeem?
Koj tsis tas yuav muaj kev npaj tshwj xeeb rau kev kuaj ntshav immunoglobulins.
Puas muaj kev pheej hmoo rau kev kuaj?
Txoj kev kuaj ntshav muaj feem me me. Koj yuav muaj mob me lossis doog ntshav ntawm qhov chaw tso rab koob, tab sis feem ntau cov tsos mob ploj mus sai.
Cov txiaj ntsig li cas?
Yog tias koj cov txiaj ntsig pom tau qis dua qis dua ib txwm ntawm immunoglobulins, nws yuav qhia tau tias:
- Mob raum
- Kev raug mob hnyav rau kis
- Teeb meem los ntawm ntshav qab zib
- Khoom noj khoom haus tsis muaj zog
- Sepsis
- Mob ntshav siab
Yog tias koj cov txiaj ntsig pom tau siab dua li ib txwm ntawm immunoglobulins, nws yuav qhia tau tias:
- Tus kab mob autoimmune
- Kab mob siab
- Kab mob ntsws
- Mononucleosis
- Tus kab mob mus ntev
- Tus mob khaub thuas kis mob xws li HIV lossis cytomegalovirus
- Ntau myeloma
- Tsis-Hodgkin lymphoma
Yog tias koj cov txiaj ntsig tsis zoo, nws tsis tas txhais tau tias koj muaj mob uas yuav tsum tau kho. Kev siv qee yam tshuaj, dej cawv, thiab tshuaj noj ua si tuaj yeem cuam tshuam koj cov txiaj ntsig. Yog koj muaj lus nug txog koj cov txiaj ntsig, nrog koj tus kws kho mob tham.
Kawm paub ntau ntxiv txog cov kev sim hauv chaw soj ntsuam, cov chaw siv ntsuas, thiab nkag siab cov txiaj ntsig tau.
Puas muaj lwm yam ntxiv uas kuv xav paub txog kev kuaj ntshav immunglobulins?
Koj tus kws kho mob yuav hais kom ua lwm yam kev kuaj mob txhawm rau pab txheeb xyuas tau. Cov kev kuaj no yuav suav nrog tso zis, kuaj ntshav lwm yam, lossis tus txheej txheem hu ua qog txha caj qaum. Thaum txha caj qaum, tus kws kho mob yuav siv rab koob tshwj xeeb tshem cov hnoos qeev ntshiab, hu ua cerebrospinal kua, los ntawm koj sab nraum qab.
Ua tim khawv
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- Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas online [Internet]. Washington D.C .: Koom Haum Asmeskas Rau Chaw Kuaj Mob; c2001–2018. Quantitative Immunoglobulins [hloov tshiab 2018 Jan 15; raug nplua 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- Loh RK, Vale S, Maclean-Tooke A. Quantitative serum immunoglobulin test. Tus kws kho mob Aust Fam [Internet]. 2013 Apr [hais 2018 2018 17; 42 (4): 195–8. Muaj los ntawm:
- Mayo Clinic: Mayo Medical Laboratories [Is Taws Nem]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education thiab Tshawb Fawb; c1995–2018. Test ID: IMMG: Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, thiab IgM), Ntshav Ntsuas: Kev Sib Tham thiab Kev Txhais Lus [muab teev 2018 Feb 17; [txog 4 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- Merck Los Ntawm Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv [Internet]. Kenilworth (NJ): Merck & Co. Inc .; c2018. Autoimmune Kev Tsis Txaus Siab [hais ntawm 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
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- Teb Chaws Lub Plawv, Lub Ntsws, thiab Koom Haum Ntshav [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Asmeskas Lub Chaw Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv thiab Tib Neeg; Kuaj ntshav [cited 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- Nemours Menyuam Txoj Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv [Is Taws Nem]. Jacksonville (FL): Lub Chaw Nemours; c1995–2018. Kuaj ntshav: Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) [raug tshem tawm 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- University of Rochester Medical Center [Internet]. Rochester (NY): Tsev kawm qib siab Rochester Medical Center; c2018. Cov Ntawv Teev Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv: Quantitative Immunoglobulins [hais 2018 2018 17; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: ;=quantitative_immunoglobulins
- UW Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv [Is Taws Nem]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin Cov Tsev Kho Mob thiab Chaw Kho Mob; c2018. Immunoglobulins: Cov txiaj ntsig [hloov kho 2017 Oct 9; hais 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 8 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- UW Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv [Is Taws Nem]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin Cov Tsev Kho Mob thiab Chaw Kho Mob; c2018.Immunoglobulins: Kev ntsuam xyuas lub ntsej muag [hloov kho 2017 Oct 9; hais 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- UW Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv [Is Taws Nem]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin Cov Tsev Kho Mob thiab Chaw Kho Mob; c2018. Immunoglobulins: Dab Tsi Cuam Tshuam Qhov Kev Xeem [hloov kho 2017 Oct 9; hais 2018 Feb 17]; [txog 9 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
- UW Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv [Is Taws Nem]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin Cov Tsev Kho Mob thiab Chaw Kho Mob; c2018. Immunoglobulins: Vim li cas Nws thiaj ua tiav [kho tshiab 2017 Oct 9; raug nplua 2018 Jan 13]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm:
Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub xaib no yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los hloov chaw kho mob lossis tswv yim kho mob. Hu rau kws kho mob yog tias koj muaj lus nug txog koj txoj kev noj qab haus huv.