Tus Sau: Roger Morrison
Hnub Kev Tsim: 1 Lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 4 Taug Kev 2025
Dab tsi Sertraline (Zoloft) yog rau - Noj Qab Haus Huv
Dab tsi Sertraline (Zoloft) yog rau - Noj Qab Haus Huv

Zoo Siab

Sertraline yog ib qho tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob siab, qhia rau kev kho mob kev ntxhov siab, txawm tias thaum nrog cov tsos mob ntxhov siab, ceeb ntshai thiab qee qhov kev puas siab ntsws.

Cov tshuaj no tuaj yeem muas tau hauv cov chaw muag tshuaj, rau tus nqi kwv yees li 20 txog 100 reais thiab nrog rau cov npe lag luam ntawm Assert, Sercerin, Serenade, Tolrest lossis Zoloft, piv txwv li, thaum nthuav qhia tshuaj.

Sertraline ua rau lub hlwb, ua kom muaj cov serotonin ntau dua thiab pib siv txij li 7 hnub ntawm kev siv, txawm li cas los xij, lub sijhawm yuav tsum tau soj ntsuam kev txhim kho hauv chaw kho mob kuj yuav txawv nyob ntawm tus yam ntxwv ntawm tus neeg thiab qhov tsis zoo uas yuav kho tau.

Dab tsi yog nws rau

Sertraline yog qhia rau kev kho mob kev nyuaj siab nrog rau cov tsos mob ntawm kev ntxhov siab, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder hauv cov neeg laus thiab cov menyuam yaus, Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Phobia lossis Social Anxiety Disorder and Tension Syndrome Premenstrual and / or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Kawm paub dab tsi Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder yog.

Yuav siv li cas

Kev siv Sertraline nws txawv raws li qhov teeb meem yuav tsum tau kho thiab, yog li ntawd, cov koob tshuaj yuav tsum tau coj los ntawm cov kws kho mob hlwb tas mus li.

Sertraline yuav tsum tau txhaj rau hauv cov tshuaj txhua hnub, thaum sawv ntxov lossis thaum tsaus ntuj thiab qhov siab tshaj txhua hnub yog 200 mg / hnub.

Yog tias tus neeg tsis nco qab noj cov tshuaj nyob rau lub sijhawm, lawv yuav tsum noj lub ntsiav tshuaj thaum lawv nco qab thiab tom qab ntawd noj tshuaj ntxiv rau lawv lub sijhawm. Yog tias nws ze rau lub sijhawm ntawm koob tshuaj ntxiv, tus neeg yuav tsum tsis txhob noj tshuaj ntxiv lawm, nws yog qhov zoo dua uas yuav tsum tos lub sijhawm tsim nyog thiab, thaum muaj kev tsis ntseeg, hu rau kws kho mob.

Muaj kev phiv ntau

Qee qhov kev mob tshwm sim feem ntau uas yuav tshwm sim thaum kho nrog sertraline yog qhov ncauj qhuav, nce tawm hws, kiv taub hau, tshee, raws plab, tso quav tsis taus, plab zom mov nyuaj, xeev siab, tsis qab los noj mov, pw tsaug zog, tsaug zog thiab hloov kev sib deev, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog ncua sij hawm tawm thiab tsis muaj siab.

Leej twg yuav tsum tsis txhob siv

Sertraline yog contraindicated rau cov menyuam yaus hnub nyoog qis dua 6 xyoo, cov pojniam cev xeeb tub, cov poj niam uas pub niam mis thiab rau cov neeg mob uas lub siab tsis haum rau sertraline lossis lwm yam hauv nws cov mis. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws yuav tsum siv nrog ceev faj los ntawm cov neeg uas tau noj tshuaj uas hu ua monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

Cov neeg mob ntshav qab zib yuav tsum tswj hwm lawv cov ntshav qab zib kom tswj tau thaum lub sijhawm kho nrog cov tshuaj no thiab ib tus neeg uas muaj teeb meem lub ntsej muag kaw yuav tsum tau nrog kws kho mob.

Sertraline poob phaus?

Ib qho kev mob tshwm sim los ntawm sertraline yog qhov hloov hauv lub cev qhov hnyav, yog li qee tus neeg yuav poob ceeb thawj lossis hnyav dua lub sijhawm kho.

Ntxim Saib

Dab Tsi Yog Qhov Nqaij Me Me Rau Hauv Kuv Tus Me Nyuam Lub Pob Ntseg?

Dab Tsi Yog Qhov Nqaij Me Me Rau Hauv Kuv Tus Me Nyuam Lub Pob Ntseg?

Dab t i ua rau lub qhov no?Ib lub qhov taub ua muaj qhov txhab yog lub qhov me me nyob rau ab xub ntiag, nt ej muag, ua qee leej neeg yug lo nrog. Lub qhov no txua nrog rau qhov txawv txav mob hauv q...
Daim Ntawv Loj Raws Li Cov Hnab Ntawv: Yuav Ua Li Cas Ntev, Dav, Thiab Girth Ntsuas Ntawm Ib Hom

Daim Ntawv Loj Raws Li Cov Hnab Ntawv: Yuav Ua Li Cas Ntev, Dav, Thiab Girth Ntsuas Ntawm Ib Hom

Peb uav nrog cov khoom ua peb xav tia t eem ceeb rau peb cov nyeem. Yog tia koj yuav lo ntawm cov txua hauv nplooj ntawv no, peb yuav khwv tau nyiaj me me. Ntawm no yog peb cov txheej txheem.Pw ua ke ...