Tus Sau: Eugene Taylor
Hnub Kev Tsim: 14 Lub Yim Hli Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 5 Taug Kev 2025
Koj Puas Yuav Txiaj Ntsig Txog Hniav Cov Tshuaj Txhuam Hniav fluoride? - Noj Qab Haus Huv
Koj Puas Yuav Txiaj Ntsig Txog Hniav Cov Tshuaj Txhuam Hniav fluoride? - Noj Qab Haus Huv

Zoo Siab

Peb suav nrog cov khoom uas peb xav tias tseem ceeb rau peb cov nyeem. Yog tias koj yuav los ntawm cov txuas hauv nplooj ntawv no, peb yuav khwv tau nyiaj me me. Ntawm no yog peb cov txheej txheem.

Tshuaj fluoride yog dab tsi?

Cov tshuaj fluoride yog cov zaub mov muaj nyob hauv dej, av, thiab huab cua. Yuav luag txhua cov dej muaj qee cov tshuaj fluoride, tab sis cov qib fluoride nws txawv nyob ntawm seb dej los qhov twg los.

Ib qho ntxiv, cov tshuaj fluoride ntxiv rau ntau qhov dej huv hauv Asmeskas. Tus nqi ntxiv nws txawv raws cheeb tsam, thiab tsis yog txhua cheeb tsam ntxiv cov tshuaj fluoride.

Nws ntxiv rau cov tshuaj txhuam hniav thiab dej haus vim tshuaj fluoride tuaj yeem pab:

  • tiv thaiv kab noj hniav
  • ntxiv dag zog kom hniav txha hniav laus
  • rov qab ua kom tus menyuam cov hniav lwj
  • txwv kev loj hlob ntawm cov kab mob hauv qhov ncauj
  • maj mam poob ntawm cov tshuaj txhuam los ntawm cov kaus hniav txha hniav laus

Tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride muaj cov tshuaj fluoride ntau dua li cov dej fluoridated, thiab nws tsis yog yuav nqos mus.

Muaj qee qhov kev sib cav txog kev nyab xeeb ntawm fluoride, suav nrog cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride, tab sis Lub Chaw Kho Hniav Asmeskas tseem xav pom zoo rau cov menyuam yaus thiab cov neeg laus. Tus yuam sij yog siv nws kom raug.

Nyeem rau kom paub ntau ntxiv txog cov kev nyab xeeb tshaj plaws los siv tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride thiab lwm yam tshuaj fluoride.

Cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride puas nyab xeeb rau menyuam mos thiab menyuam yaus?

Kev zoo qhov ncauj tseem ceeb heev los ntawm qhov pib. Ua ntej tus menyuam cov hniav tawm, koj tuaj yeem pab tshem cov kab mob los ntawm kev so lawv lub qhov ncauj nrog daim ntaub mos muag.

Sai li uas lawv cov hniav pib nkag rau hauv, American Academy of Pediatrics pom zoo hloov mus rau tus txhuam hniav thiab tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride. Tab sis cov menyuam mos xav tau pleev tshuaj txhuam hniav me me xwb - tsis muaj ntau tshaj li qhov loj ntawm txhuv nplej.

Cov txheej txheem no yog 2014 hloov tshiab rau cov lus pom zoo yav dhau los, uas tau qhia tias siv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav tsis muaj tshuaj fluoride kom txog thaum cov menyuam muaj 2 xyoos.

Txo qhov kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev nqos, sim muab koj tus menyuam lub taub hau nqes rau sab hauv kom cov tshuaj txhuam hniav tawm hauv nws lub qhov ncauj.

Yog tias koj tus menyuam lossis menyuam yaus nqos cov tshuaj txhuam hniav me me no, nws tsis ua li cas. Yog tias koj siv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav pom zoo npaum li cas, nqos me ntsis yuav tsis ua teeb meem dabtsi.

Yog tias koj siv ntau dua thiab koj tus menyuam lossis menyuam yaus nqos nws, lawv yuav pib mob plab. Qhov no tsis tsim kev puas tsuaj, tab sis koj tuaj yeem xav hu rau kev tswj tshuaj lom kom muaj kev nyab xeeb.

Cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride puas nyab xeeb rau menyuam yaus me?

Cov menyuam yaus tsim lub peev xwm nti tawm ntawm ib puag ncig thaum muaj hnub nyoog 3. 3. Qhov no txhais tau tias koj tuaj yeem nce ntxiv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride uas koj tso rau ntawm lawv txhuam hniav.

Cov American Academy of Pediatrics xav kom siv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride zoo rau cov menyuam hnub nyoog 3 txog 6. Txawm hais tias nws yuav zam tau yog tias ua tau, nws zoo rau koj tus menyuam nqos cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride me me.

Thaum lub hnub nyoog no, txhuam hniav yuav tsum yog pawg siv zog. Tsis txhob cia koj tus menyuam siv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav nws tus kheej lossis txhuam nws yam tsis muaj kev saib xyuas.

Yog tias koj tus me nyuam qee zaum nqos ntau tshaj qhov teev cov taum pauv, nws yuav ua rau nws mob plab. Yog tias qhov no tshwm sim, Lub Chaw Saib Xyuas Kev Ruaj Ntseg Hauv Tebchaws Thaj Tsam tau pom zoo muab cov mis lossis lwm cov mis los vim tias cov kab mob calcium khi rau cov tshuaj fluoride hauv plab.

Yog tias koj tus menyuam nqos cov tshuaj txhuam hniav ntau dua, cov tshuaj fluoride ntau dhau tuaj yeem ua rau txha hniav laus puas tsuaj thiab ua rau kom cov hniav fluorosis, uas ua rau cov hniav dawb ntawm cov hniav. Lawv qhov kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev puas tsuaj nyob ntawm cov tshuaj fluoride uas lawv noj thiab ntev li cas lawv ua ntxiv.

Kev saib xyuas menyuam thaum lawv txhuam thiab khaws tshuaj txhuam hniav kom ncav cuag tuaj yeem pab zam qhov no.

Tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride puas nyab xeeb rau menyuam yaus thiab neeg laus?

Tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride muaj kev nyab xeeb rau menyuam yaus hnub nyoog loj dua uas nti nti thiab nqos tsis mob thiab cov laus.

Tsuas yog nco ntsoov tias cov tshuaj txhuam hniav tsis yog tsim los kom nqos. Nws zoo rau qee leej qeezaug koj lub qa qee zaum lossis cia li nqos qee leej. Tsuav qhov no tsuas tshwm sim qee zaus, nws tsis yog teeb meem.

Tab sis kev cuam tshuam ntev ntev ntawm cov tshuaj fluoride ntau tuaj yeem ua rau muaj mob, nrog rau kev pheej hmoo ntawm pob txha lov. Qhov theem ntawm kev sib kis tsuas yog tshwm sim thaum tib neeg tsuas yog siv dej zoo hauv thaj chaw uas muaj av muaj fluoride ntau heev.

Ua cas cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride ntau dua?

Cov kws kho hniav qee zaum sau ntawv muab tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride ntau rau cov neeg ua kom hniav lwj lossis muaj kab noj hniav ntau. Cov tshuaj txhuam hniav no muaj cov tshuaj fluoride ntau dua li txhua yam uas koj tuaj yeem yuav tom khw muag khoom hauv cov khw muag tshuaj hauv koj lub nroog.

Zoo li lwm yam tshuaj uas muab rau noj, cov tshuaj txhuam hniav uas muaj tshuaj fluoride yuav tsum tsis txhob muab qhia rau lwm tus neeg hauv tsev neeg. Yog siv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav uas muaj tshuaj fluoride zoo rau cov neeg laus. Cov menyuam yaus yuav tsum tsis txhob siv cov tshuaj txhuam hniav uas muaj fluoride zoo.

Puas muaj lwm yam kev hloov pauv tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride?

Yog tias koj txhawj xeeb txog cov tshuaj fluoride, muaj cov tshuaj txhuam hniav tsis muaj tshuaj fluoride. Mus yuav tshuaj txhuam hniav cov dej tsis muaj tshuaj fluoride nyob ntawm no.

Cov tshuaj txhuam hniav uas muaj tshuaj fluoride yuav pab ntxuav tu cov hniav, tab sis nws tsis tiv thaiv cov hniav tiv thaiv kev ua kom puas tib yam li cov tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride.

Yog tias koj txiav txim siab siv tshuaj txhuam hniav uas tsis muaj fluoride, nco ntsoov koj txhuam hniav tsis tu ncua thiab ua tib zoo saib xyuas cov kev tu hniav txhua hnub. Qhov no yuav pab txhawm rau txhom tau cov kab noj hniav lossis cov hniav lwj.

Yog tias koj xav tau cov txiaj ntsig ntawm cov tshuaj fluoride, nrhiav cov tshuaj txhuam hniav uas muaj Asmeskas Kev Koom Tes Hniav lub foob pom zoo.

Txhawm rau kom tau txais cov ntawv foob no, cov tshuaj txhuam hniav yuav tsum muaj tshuaj fluoride, thiab cov tuam txhab tsim khoom yuav tsum xa cov kev tshawb fawb thiab lwm cov ntaub ntawv uas qhia txog kev nyab xeeb thiab ua tau zoo ntawm lawv cov khoom.

Hauv qab kab

Tshuaj txhuam hniav fluoride ib txwm muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab raug pom zoo rau menyuam yaus thiab neeg laus. Tab sis nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau kev siv nws kom raug, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau cov menyuam mos thiab cov menyuam yaus.

Yog tias koj txhawj xeeb txog kev nyab xeeb ntawm fluoride, muaj ntau cov tshuaj fluoride tsis pub muaj. Tsuas yog ua kom nws ua khub nrog kev txhuam hniav zoo sib xws thiab cov sij hawm mus ntsib kws kho hniav tas li kom nyob saum cov kab noj hniav thiab hniav lwj.

Pom Zoo

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