Tus Sau: Marcus Baldwin
Hnub Kev Tsim: 21 Lub Rau Hlis Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 17 Lub Ob Hli Ntuj 2025
Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Xov Xwm XML Cov Lus Qhia: MedlinePlus - Tshuaj Kho Mob
Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Xov Xwm XML Cov Lus Qhia: MedlinePlus - Tshuaj Kho Mob

Cov lus txhais ntawm txhua daim ntawv sau tau hauv cov ntaub ntawv, nrog piv txwv thiab lawv siv ntawm MedlinePlus.

  1. kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus>
  2. Lub hauv paus "hauv paus", lossis lub hauv paus pib cim uas txhua lwm cov cim npe / khoom poob hauv qab. noj qab haus huv-ntsiab lus> muaj ob qho cwj pwm:

  3. kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus>
  4. Txhua MedlinePlus cov ntsiab lus sawv cev los ntawm cov ntawv muaj nws cov kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus> yam. Lub ncauj lus nrov npe no yog qhov muaj nqis ntawm kev ua haujlwm. Cov cwj pwm rau cov khoom no suav nrog:

  5. Cim hauv qab kev kho mob-ncauj lus>
    1. tseem-hu ua>
    2. Cov lus txhais txuam nrog cov ncauj lus. Nws tsis tas yuav. Qee cov ntsiab lus tsis muaj qhov txhais ua tau, hos lwm qhov yuav muaj ntau qhov sib txawv.
      Piv Txwv: Kuj tseem hu ua> Gestational diabetes / tseem-hu ua>
      Siv rau ntawm MedlinePlus: Cov lus lossis kab lus no muaj npe ntawm "Kuj hu ua:" kab uas tshwm rau hauv qab lub npe kev noj qab haus huv ntawm nplooj ntawv qhia txog kev noj qab haus huv.

    3. lus-mapped-ncauj lus>
    4. Txog cov ncauj lus Askiv, qhov no yog sib npaug rau lus Mev Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv, Rau cov ncauj lus Spanish, qhov no yog sib npaug zos lus Askiv.
      Muaj ib los yog tsis muaj lus-muab sau ua lub ntsiab lus- ib qho lus qhia txog kev noj qab haus huv.
      Piv txwv li: lus-mapped-ntsiab lus url = "https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/abdominalpain.html" id = "3062" lus = "Spanish"> Dolor plab / lus-mapped-ntsiab lus>
      Cwj pwm id siv ntawm MedlinePlus: Tsis siv rau pej xeem qhov chaw.

    5. cov ntsiab lus thoob plaws
    6. Cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov ntawv kho mob lub ntsiab lus. Muaj ib daim ntawv qhia tag nrho> ntawm kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus>.
      Piv txwv: daim ntawv qhia txog qhov kawg> p Hauv Parkinson's, cov neurons uas ua rau tshuaj hu ua dopamine tuag lossis tsis ua haujlwm zoo. Dopamine nquag xa cov cim uas tuaj yeem pab koj ua haujlwm sib cuam tshuam. Tsis muaj leej twg paub dab tsi ua kom cov hlwb no. Cov tsos mob ntawm tus kab mob Parkinson yuav suav nrog / p> ul> li> Ntxhov ntawm tes, caj npab, ceg, puab tsaig thiab ntsej muag / li> li tawv ntawm caj npab, ceg thiab pob tw / li> li> Qeeb ntawm qhov txav / lis> li> Kev txom nyem tsis sib luag thiab kev sib koom ua ke / li> / ul> p> Thaum cov tsos mob hnyav zuj zus ntxiv, cov neeg muaj tus kab mob yuav muaj teeb meem taug kev, hais lus lossis ua cov haujlwm yooj yim. Tej zaum lawv yuav muaj teeb meem xws li kev nyuaj siab, teeb meem tsaug zog lossis teeb meem kev zom, nqos los sis hais lus. / P> P> Parkinson's feem ntau pib thaum hnub nyoog 60, tab sis nws tuaj yeem pib ntxov dua. Cov txiv neej muaj ntau nyob hauv cov poj niam. Tsis muaj ib txoj kev kho tau tus kab mob Parkinson li. Qee yam tshuaj qee lub sijhawm pab ua rau tus mob huam tsis loj tuaj. / p> / full-summary>
      Siv rau ntawm MedlinePlus: Cov ncauj lus qhia lub ntsiab lus tshwm nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm nplooj ntawv kev noj qab haus huv, hauv qab cov ncauj lus. Hyperlinks rau lwm qhov MedlinePlus cov ncauj lus nplooj ntawv yuav tshwm sim hauv cov ncauj lus sau.

    7. pawg>

      Cov pab pawg txog kev noj qab haus huv ntawm cov uas mob-npe haujlwm> koom nrog. Tus mob-ntsiab lus> yuav tsum muaj tsawg kawg ib pawg; nws yuav muaj ntau pab pawg.
      Piv txwv li: pawg url = "https://medlineplus.gov/digestivesystem.html" id = "2"> Digestive System / pab pawg>
      Rau txhua pab pawg uas kho mob-npe> belongs, cov pab pawg lub npe yuav muab ua pawg> tag nqi, Piv txwv: "Digestive System". Cov ntaub ntawv ntxiv yuav muab rau 2 tus cwj pwm:

    8. saib-qhia txog>
    9. Saib cov ntawv pov thawj cuam tshuam nrog kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus>. Tsis yog txhua lub ncauj lus muaj qhov cuam tshuam pom kev siv. Tej zaum yuav muaj ntau dua ib qho pom kev siv.
      Piv txwv li: saib-siv> Bellyache / saib-siv>
      Siv rau MedlinePlus: Siv rau ntawm cov npe niam ntawv cov npe los ua tus neeg siv coj mus rau kev noj qab haus huv lub npe nplooj; xws li, ntawm "Cov ntsiab lus noj qab haus huv: S" nplooj ntawv, "Tuav Palsy pom Parkinson's Kab Mob" tshwm sim raws li pom pom.

    10. ntxaij-ua haujlwm>
    11. Cov Ntsiab Lus Kho Mob (MeSH) txuam nrog cov ncauj lus. Tej zaum yuav muaj ntau dua ib qhov mesh-nqe lus hais txog> cuam tshuam nrog kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus>.
      Piv txwv:
      ntxaij-ua haujlwm>
      piav qhia daim id = "D015746"> Mob Plab / muaj lus piav qhia>
      / ntxaij-nqe lus hais>

      Daim phiaj-kab> tag muaj cov lus piav qhia> lub ntsiab thiab tus cwj pwm id:

    12. ntsig txog-ntsiab lus>
    13. Cov kev noj qab haus huv cuam tshuam nrog cuam tshuam nrog cov ncauj lus kev noj qab haus huv no->. Tsis yog txhua lub ncauj lus muaj feem cuam tshuam-hais txog>. Tej zaum yuav muaj ntau dua ib qho ntsig txog-hais txog.
      Piv txwv li: hais txog-ntsiab lus url = "https://medlineplus.gov/pain.html" id = "351"> Mob / hais txog-lub npe>
      Lub ntsiab lus sib thooj npe yog qhov muaj nuj nqis ntawm ntsig txog-npe>. Qhov ntsig txog-lub npe> muaj daim id thiab url cov cwj pwm.
      Siv rau MedlinePlus: Daim npav tsis yog siv, tab sis lub npe ntawm cov ncauj lus thiab cov url uas muaj feem xyuam tau siv rau hauv "Txawv Qhia Txog" lub thawv ntawm MedlinePlus cov ncauj lus txog kev noj qab haus huv.

    14. lwm-yam lus>
    15. Lwm yam lus-txuam nrog kev noj qab haus huv-lub ncauj lus>. Tsis yog txhua lub ncauj lus muaj feem cuam txuam nrog lwm yam lus. Tej zaum yuav muaj ntau dua ib hom lus.
      Piv txwv li: lwm hom lus-npe hu ua-npe = "繁體 中文" url = "https://medlineplus.gov/languages/acne.html#Chinese - Tsoos"> Suav - Tsoos / lwm yam lus>
      Lwm hom lus keeb kwm tus nqi muaj lub npe lus Askiv. Lwm yam lus-hom> muaj kev paub txog lub npe thiab qhov url.

    16. lub koom haum thawj>
    17. Phab ntawv qhia txog kev noj qab haus huv ntawm MedlinePlus yuav muaj thawj lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv Theem Pib Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv uas tau muab rau lawv. Nws tsis tas yuav.
      Piv txwv li: thawj lub koom haum url = "http://www.niaid.nih.gov/"> Lub Koom Haum Hauv Tebchaws ntawm Kev fab tshuaj thiab Kab Mob Sib Ntxub / chaw pib lub koomhaum>.
      Tus thawj-lub koom haum hais txog tus nqi muaj lub npe thawj lub koom haum.
      Tus thawj-lub koom haum> muaj url cwj pwm. Piv txwv: url = "http://www.niaid.nih.gov/".

    18. site>
    19. Rau txhua txhua MedlinePlus kev noj qab haus huv cov ncauj lus, yuav muaj tsawg kawg ib daim ntawv sau npe ntawm lub xaib.
      Piv txwv li: site title = "Lub Koom Haum Hauv Tebchaws ntawm Kev fab tshuaj thiab Kab Mob Kab mob" url = "http://www.niaid.nih.gov/Pages/default.aspx">
      cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> Cov koom haum / cov lus qhia-qeb>
      koom haum> Lub koom haum National of Allergy thiab Kis Tau Tus Kab Mob / Lub Koom Haum>
      qauv-piav qhia> NIH / qauv-piav qhia>
      / site>

      Cov cwj pwm rau cov khoom no suav nrog:

      Tus xaib> cov khoom yuav muaj cov hauv qab no:

Cov ntaub ntawv khaws tseg rau MedlinePlus kev noj qab haus huv cov ncauj lus muaj feem ntau ntawm cov cim npe teev saum toj no.

    - lub npe kev noj qab haus huv-npe = "Acoustic Neuroma" url = "https://medlineplus.gov/acousticneuroma.html" id = "1624" lus = "Lus Askiv" hnub-tsim = "04/22/2002"> kuj tseem hu ua > Acoustic neurilemmoma / kuj-hu ua> kuj-hu ua> Acoustic neurinoma / kuj-hu-kuj> kuj-hu ua> Hnov cov qog ua suab nrov / kuj-tseem> hu-ua> Vestibular schwannoma / tseem-hu ua> puv-lus> p> Ib qho kev mob siab ntawm neuroma yog aa href = 'https: //medlineplus.gov/benigntumors.html'> cov qog nqaij hlav benign / a> uas txhim kho cov hlab ntsha uas txuas rau lub pob ntseg mus rau lub hlwb. Cov qog feem ntau loj hlob qeeb. Raws li nws loj tuaj, nws nias tawm tsam hnov ​​lus thiab sib npaug ntawm cov leeg. Thaum pib, tej zaum koj yuav tsis muaj tsos mob lossis tsos mob me. Lawv tuaj yeem suav nrog / p> ul> li> Tsis hnov ​​lus ntawm ib sab / li> li> Ringing hauv pob ntseg / li> li> kiv taub hau thiab teeb meem sib npaug / li> / ul> p> Cov qog kuj tuaj yeem ua rau loog lossis tuag tes tuag taw. ntawm lub ntsej muag. Yog tias nws loj txaus, nws tuaj yeem cuam tshuam rau lub hlwb, ua rau lub neej tsis zoo./p> p> Acoustic neuroma tuaj yeem nyuaj rau kuaj mob, vim tias cov tsos mob zoo ib yam li cov teeb meem pob ntseg hauv nruab nrab. Tshuaj ntsuam pob ntseg, ntsuas pob ntseg, thiab ntsuas pob tuaj yeem pom tias yog koj muaj ./p> p> Yog tias cov qog ntshav qis, koj tsuas yuav tsum tau kuaj xyuas nws tas li. Yog tias koj xav tau kev kho mob, phais thiab hluav taws xob yog kev xaiv./p> p> Yog tias cov qog cuam tshuam rau ob leeg lub suab hnov, feem ntau yog vim caj ces caj ces hu ua href = 'https: //medlineplus.gov/neurofibromatosis.html' > neurofibromatosis / a> ./ p> p> NIH: Lub Koom Haum Hauv Tebchaws rau Kev Lag Ntseg thiab Kev Sib Txuas Lus Tsis Txaus Siab / p> / puv-xaus> pab pawg url = "https://medlineplus.gov/brainandnerves.html" id = "14"> Hlwb thiab Hlwb / pab pawg> cov pab pawg url = "https://medlineplus.gov/earnoseandthroat.html" id = "16"> Pob Ntseg, Qhov Ntswg thiab caj pas / pab pawg> lus-mapped-ntsiab lus url = "https: // medlineplus. gov / spanish / acousticneuroma.html "id =" 2251 "lus =" Spanish "> Neuroma acústico / lus-mapped-ncauj lus> - ntxaij-nqe lus> descriptor id =" D009464 "> Neuroma, Acoustic / piav qhia> / ntxaij - nqe > lwm hom lus-npe = "español" url = "https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/acousticneuroma.html"> Spanish / lwm hom lus> thawj lub koom haum url = "http: //www.nidcd.nih .gov / "> Lub Koom Haum Hauv Tebchaws rau Kev Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Yam Kev Sib Txuas Lus / thawj- lub koom haum> muaj feem xyuam-txog url = "https://medlineplus.gov/neurofibromatosis.html" id = "1387"> Neurofibromatosis / muaj feem-hais txog> pom-siv> Cov Pob Tawb Loj / saib-siv> saib-siv> Neuroma, Acoustic / saib-siv> pom-siv> Vestibular Schwannoma / saib-siv> - chaw npe = "Acoustic Neuroma" url = "http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acoustic-neuroma/basics/definition/CON -20023851? P = 1 "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Pib ntawm no / ntaub ntawv-qeb> lub koom haum> Mayo Foundation rau Medical Education thiab Tshawb nrhiav / koomhaum> / site> - site title =" Acoustic neuroma "url =" https: // medlineplus .gov / ency / tshooj / 000778.htm "lus-mapped-url =" https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/000778.htm "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Cov Neeg Mob Cov Ntawv Qhia / Cov Ntaub Ntawv-qeb> cov lus qhia- qeb> Encyclopedia / ntaub ntawv-qeb qhia> / site> - site title = "Acoustic Neuroma" url = "http://www.irsa.org/acoustic_neuroma.html"> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kev Kho thiab Kho / Cov Lus Qhia-qeb> koom haum> International Radiosurgery Pab Koom Tes / lub koom haum> / site> - site title = "Acoustic Neuroma Educational Video" url = "https://www.anausa.org/overview/educational-video"> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Yeeb yaj duab thiab Kev Kawm / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Koom Haum / koom haum> txheem-piav qhia> Yeeb yaj duab / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - chaw npe = "Acoustic Neuroma Cov ntsiab lus" url = "https://www.anausa.org/overview/acoustic -neuroma-keywords-2 / Glossary-1 / "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Siv Rooj / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Association / koom haum> / site> - site title =" Acoustic Neuroma: Cov lus nug los tham nrog koj tus kws kho mob " url = "http://www.health.harvard.edu/fhg/doctor/acousticNeuroma.shtml"> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kev kuaj mob thiab kuaj mob / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Tsev Kawm Ntawv Kho Mob Harvard / koom haum> / site> - site title = "Cov Chaw Zoo Tshaj Plaws hauv Kev Tshawb Xyuas Radiosurgery" url = "http://www.irsa.org/CentersOfExcellence/CentersofExcel lenceMenu.html "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Nrhiav Kws Tshaj Lij / ntaub ntawv-qeb> lub koom haum> International Radiosurgery Support Association / koomhaum> / site> - site title =" ClinicalTrials.gov: Neuroma, Acoustic "url =" http: // clinicaltrials .gov / tshawb / qhib / mob =% 22Neuroma, + Acoustic% 22 "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Chaw Ntsuam Xyuas / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Cov Tsev Kawm Ntawv ntawm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv / koom haum> qauv piav qhia> NIH / qauv-piav qhia> / chaw > - site title = "Kev suav Tomography (CT) - Lub taub hau" url = "http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=headct" lus-mapped-url = "http: // www .radiologyinfo.org / sp / info.cfm? pg = headct "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kev kuaj mob thiab kuaj mob / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> American College of Radiology / koom haum> koom haum> Radiological Society of North America / koom haum> qauv-piav qhia > Yees duab / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - site title = "Cranial CT scan" url = "https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003786.htm" lus-mapp ed-url = "https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/003786.htm"> cov lus qhia- qeb> Cov Ntawv Qhia Neeg Mob / ntaub ntawv-qeb> cov lus qhia-qeb> Encyclopedia / ntaub ntawv-qeb> / site> - chaw title = "Cov Ntawv Qhia Cov Koom Haum (Kev Lag Ntseg thiab Kev Sib Txuas Lus)" url = "http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/directory/"> cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> Nrhiav Tus Kws Tshaj Lij / ntaub ntawv-qeb> lub koom haum> Lub Chaw Haujlwm Hauv Tebchaws rau Cov Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Cov Kev Sib Txuas Lus Tsis Txaus Siab / koom haum> qauv-piav qhia> NIH / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - chaw npe = "Gamma-Riam Radiosurgery" url = "http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/gamma-knife -radiosurgery / lub hauv paus / txhais tau / PRC-20014760? p = 1 "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kev Kho Mob thiab Kho Mob / cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Mayo Foundation rau Medical Education thiab Tshawb nrhiav / lub koom haum> / site> - site title =" Lub taub hau MRI "url =" https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003791.htm "lus-mapped-url =" https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/003791.htm "> i nformation-qeb> Cov Neeg Mob Thawm / cov ntawv qhia-qeb> ntaub-qeb> Encyclopedia / ntaub ntawv-qeb> / site> - chaw npe = "Qhia cov Acoustic Neuroma" url = "https://www.anausa.org/index.php ? option = com_content & saib = kab lus & id = 116 & Khoom = = "" cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> kuaj thiab kuaj / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Association / koom haum> / site> - site title = "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Lub Taub Hau" url = "http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=headmr" lus-mapped-url = "http://www.radiologyinfo.org/sp/info.cfm?pg=headmr" > cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kev kuaj mob thiab Kuaj / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> American College of Radiology / koom haum> koom haum> Radiological Society of North America / koomhaum> qauv-piav qhia> Yeeb yaj duab / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - chaw npe = " Koom haum National ntawm Kev Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Cov Kev Sib Txuas Lus "url =" http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/ "> cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> Nrhiav Tus Kws Tshaj Lij / ntaub ntawv-miv egory> lub koom haum> Lub Chaw Haujlwm Hauv Tebchaws rau Kev Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Cov Khoom Siv Sib Txuas / cov koom haum> qauv-piav qhia> NIH / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - chaw npe = "NIDCD Cov Lus Txhais" url = "http://www.nidcd.nih.gov / khoom noj khoom haus / kev ua lag luam / pab pawg / cov lus qhia lub cev "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Siv Rooj / ntaub ntawv-qeb> koom haum> Lub Koom Haum Tebchaws ntawm Cov Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Cov Kev Sib Txuas Lus / koom haum> txheem-piav qhia> NIH / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - site title = "Post Kev Kho Mob ntawm Acoustic Neuroma" url = "https://www.anausa.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=119&Itemid=117"> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kho thiab Kho / Cov Lus Qhia-qeb> koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Association / lub koom haum> / site> - site title = "Acoustic Neuroma" url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=neuroma ,acoustic kawmmajr rau+AND+siv [la] + THIAB + tib neeg [mh] + TSIS + (tsab ntawv [pt] + LOS + + kho ntawv [pt]) + THIAB +% 22last + 1 + Xyoo% 22 [edat] "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Phau Ntawv Xov Xwm / cov lus qhia-categor y>/ site> - site title = "Xaiv Tus Kws Kho Mob Kho Mob" url = "https://www.anausa.org/resources/medical-resources/selecting-a-medical-professional"> information-category> Kev Kho Mob thiab Kev Kho Mob / cov ntaub ntawv -category> organisation Acoustic Neuroma Association / lub koom haum> / site> - site title = "Stereotactic radiosurgery - paug tawm" url = "https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000131.htm" lus-mapped-url = " https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/patientinstructions/000131.htm "> cov lus qhia-qeb> Cov Ntawv Qhia Neeg Mob / ntaub ntawv-qeb> qhia-qeb> Encyclopedia / ntaub ntawv-qeb> / site> - lub npe tawm =" Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Gamma Riam "url =" https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007577.htm "lus-mapped-url =" https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/007577.htm "> cov ntaub ntawv -category> Tus Neeg Mob Thawm / cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> qhia-qeb> Encyclopedia / ntaub ntawv-qeb> / site> - chaw npe = "Cov tsos mob ntawm Acoustic Neuroma" url = "https: // www. anausa.org/overview/symcepts "> cov lus qhia-qeb> Cov tsos mob / qhia-qeb> lub koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Association / lub koom haum> / site> - site title =" Kaum Txoj Kev Nco Ntsej Muag Tsis Hnov "url =" http: // www .nidcd.nih.gov / health / hearing / pages / 10ways.aspx "lus-mapped-url =" http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/spanish/pages/10w_sp.aspx "> cov lus qhia-qeb > Kev Tshuaj Xyuas Cov Khoom Noj Qab Haus Huv / cov lus qhia-qeb> lub koom haum> Lub Koom Haum Hauv Tebchaws rau Cov Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Cov Kev Sib Txuas Lus / koom haum> qauv qhia txog> NIH / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - site title = "Cov Kev Kho Mob Cov Lus Qhia" url = "https: / /www.anausa.org/pretreatment/treatment-options-summary "> ntaub ntawv-qeb> Kev Kho Mob thiab Kho Mob / xov xwm-qeb> koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Association / lub koom haum> / site> - site title =" Cov Hom Teeb Meem Tom Qab Kev Kho Mob "url =" https://www.anausa.org/post-treatments/types-post-treatment-issues "> cov lus qhia- qeb> Cov Teeb Meem / Cov Lus Qhia-qeb> teeb tsa tion> Acoustic Neuroma Association / lub koom haum> / site> - site title = "Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma) thiab Neurofibromatosis" url = "http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/hearing/Pages/acoustic_neuroma.aspx" > cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> Pib ntawm no / ntaub ntawv-qeb> lub koom haum> Lub koom haum National ntawm Kev Lag Ntseg thiab Lwm Yam Kev Sib Txuas Lus / lub koom haum> qauv-piav qhia> NIH / qauv-piav qhia> / site> - lub npe npe = "Dab tsi yog Acoustic Neuroma" url = "https://www.anausa.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=114&Itemid=112"> cov ntaub ntawv-qeb> Pib Ntawm no / ntaub ntawv-qeb> lub koom haum> Acoustic Neuroma Association / lub koom haum> / site> / kev noj qab haus huv-ncauj lus>

Yeeb Yam

Ado-trastuzumab Emtansine Txhaj Tshuaj

Ado-trastuzumab Emtansine Txhaj Tshuaj

Ado-tra tuzumab emtan ine tuaj yeem ua rau lub iab mob hnyav lo i ua kom lub neej pua . Qhia koj tu kw kho mob yog tia koj tau lo i muaj kab mob iab dua, nrog rau kev mob iab. Koj tu kw kho mob yuav x...


Levothyroxine (cov thyroid hormone ) yuav t um t i txhob iv ib leeg lo i nrog rau lwm yam kev kho mob lo kho kev rog lo i ua rau poob phau .Levothyroxine tuaj yeem ua rau muaj teeb meem loj lo i txau ...