Tus Sau: William Ramirez
Hnub Kev Tsim: 22 Lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 1 Lub Ib Hli Ntuj 2025
Hli Thoj-tsiaj kev lom zem
Daim Duab: Hli Thoj-tsiaj kev lom zem

Zoo Siab

Dab tsi yog RBC antibody screen?

Kuaj RBC (ntshav qog ntshav liab) tshuaj ntsuam ntshav yog kuaj ntshav rau saib cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntshav liab. Cov qe ntshav liab tuaj yeem tsim kev phom sij rau koj tom qab txhab ntshav lossis, yog tias koj cev xeeb tub, rau koj tus menyuam. Ib qho tshuaj ntsuam RBC tiv thaiv kab mob tuaj yeem nrhiav cov tshuaj tiv thaiv no ua ntej lawv ua rau muaj kev mob nkeeg.

Cov tshuaj tua kab mob yog cov protein ua los ntawm koj lub cev los tua cov tshuaj txawv teb chaws xws li kab mob thiab kab mob. Cov kab mob ntshav liab yuav tshwm sim hauv koj cov ntshav yog tias koj raug cov qe ntshav liab uas tsis yog koj li. Qhov no feem ntau tshwm sim tom qab txhab ntshav lossis cev xeeb tub, yog tias leej niam cov ntshav tau chwv nrog nws tus menyuam cov ntshav hauv plab. Qee zaum cov txheej txheem tiv thaiv kab mob hauv lub cev tiv thaiv kab mob liab yog "txawv teb chaws" thiab yuav tawm tsam lawv.

Lwm lub npe: tshuaj ntsuam tiv thaiv kab mob, kev ntsuam xyuas antiglobulin tsis ncaj qha, kev tshuaj tiv thaiv kabmob tib neeg globulin, IAT, kev kuaj mob ncaj qha rau coombs, erythrocyte Ab

Nws siv rau dab tsi?

RBC screen siv rau:

  • Kuaj koj cov ntshav ua ntej ntshav ntxiv. Qhov kuaj sim tuaj yeem qhia seb koj cov ntshav puas haum rau tus neeg pub ntshav cov ntshav. Yog tias koj cov ntshav tsis sib haum, koj lub cev tiv thaiv lub cev yuav tua cov ntshav sib kis zoo li nws yog cov tshuaj txawv teb chaws. Qhov no yuav tsim kev puas tsuaj rau koj kev noj qab haus huv.
  • Kuaj koj cov ntshav thaum cev xeeb tub. Qhov kuaj sim qhia tau seb leej niam cov ntshav puas sib xws los ntawm cov ntshav ntawm nws tus menyuam nyob hauv plab. Ib leej niam thiab nws tus menyuam yuav muaj ntau yam antigens ntawm lawv cov ntshav liab. Antigens yog cov tshuaj uas tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob. Cov qe ntshav liab antigens suav nrog Kell antigen thiab Rh antigen.
    • Yog tias koj muaj Rh antigen, koj suav hais tias yog Rh positive. Yog tias koj tsis muaj Rh antigen, koj raug suav hais tias Rh tsis zoo.
    • Yog tias koj muaj Rh tsis zoo thiab koj tus me nyuam hauv plab yog Rh zoo, koj lub cev yuav pib ua cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob rau koj tus menyuam cov ntshav. Tus mob no yog hu ua Rh incompatibility.
    • Ob qho Kell antigens thiab Rh thaum tsis sib xws yuav ua rau leej niam ua cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tiv thaiv nws cov menyuam cov ntshav. Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tuaj yeem tua tus menyuam cov ntshav liab, ua rau muaj ntshav tsis ntau ntxiv. Tab sis koj tuaj yeem nrhiav kev kho uas yuav tiv thaiv koj los ntawm kev tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv uas tuaj yeem cuam tshuam koj tus menyuam.
  • Kuaj ntshav ntawm koj tus menyuam txiv lub cev.
    • Yog tias koj tsis zoo siab Rh, koj tus menyuam txiv cov ntshav yuav mus kuaj xyuas seb nws puas kis hom Rh. Yog tias nws yog Rh zoo, koj tus menyuam yuav muaj feem yuav raug mob Rh incompatibility. Koj tus kws kho mob yuav ua rau kev sim ntsuas ntxiv kom paub seb puas los tsis sib xws.

Vim li cas kuv thiaj li xav tau RBC antibody screen?

Koj tus kws kho mob yuav yuam kom kuaj RBC yog tias koj tau teem sijhawm mus txhaj ntshav, lossis yog tias koj cev xeeb tub. Qhov RBC ntsuas feem ntau tau ua thaum cev xeeb tub thaum ntxov, uas yog ib feem ntawm kev ntsuas mus kuaj menyuam hauv plab.

Yuav ua li cas thaum lub sijhawm kuaj RBC antibody?

Tus kws kho mob yuav kuaj ntshav ntawm txoj hlab ntshav hauv koj txhais caj npab, siv rab koob me me. Tom qab cov koob raug tso nkag, cov ntshav me me yuav raug sau rau hauv lub khob kuaj lossis vial. Koj tuaj yeem hnov ​​me ntsis thaum cov koob nkag mus lossis tawm. Qhov no feem ntau yuav siv sijhawm tsawg dua tsib feeb.

Kuv puas yuav tau ua ib yam dab tsi txhawm rau npaj rau qhov kev xeem?

Koj tsis tas yuav npaj tshwj xeeb rau RBC screen.

Puas muaj kev pheej hmoo rau kev kuaj?

Txoj kev kuaj ntshav muaj feem me me. Koj yuav muaj mob me lossis doog ntshav ntawm qhov chaw tso rab koob, tab sis feem ntau cov tsos mob ploj mus sai.

Cov txiaj ntsig li cas?

Yog tias koj tau ntxiv ntshav: Daim RBC yuav qhia seb koj cov ntshav puas haum rau tus neeg pub ntshav cov ntshav. Yog tias nws tsis sib haum, lwm qhov yuav tsum tau nrhiav.

Yog koj cev xeeb tub: Qhov RBC yuav qhia txog seb koj cov ntshav puas muaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kabmob uas tuaj yeem ua rau koj tus menyuam tsis zoo, suav nrog lossis tsis muaj tus mob Rh.

  • Yog tias koj muaj Rh tsis sib xws, koj lub cev yuav pib ua cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob rau koj tus menyuam cov ntshav.
  • Cov koob tshuaj no tsis muaj kev pheej hmoo rau koj thawj zaug cev xeeb tub, vim hais tias feem ntau yug menyuam ua ntej muaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv. Tab sis cov tshuaj tiv thaiv no tuaj yeem cuam tshuam koj tus menyuam hauv plab thaum cev xeeb tub yav tom ntej.
  • Rh kev tsis sib haum tuaj yeem kho tau los ntawm kev txhaj tshuaj uas tiv thaiv koj lub cev los ntawm cov tshuaj ua rau tiv thaiv koj tus menyuam cov ntshav liab.
  • Yog tias koj yog Rh zoo, nws tsis muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm Rh incompatibility.

Yog koj muaj lus nug txog koj cov txiaj ntsig, nrog koj tus kws kho mob tham.

Kawm paub ntau ntxiv txog cov kev sim hauv chaw soj ntsuam, cov chaw siv ntsuas, thiab nkag siab cov txiaj ntsig tau.

Puas muaj lwm yam ntxiv Kuv xav paub txog RBC antibody screen?

Rh kev tsis sib xws yog tsis ib txwm muaj. Cov neeg feem coob yog Rh zoo, uas tsis ua rau cov ntshav tsis cuam tshuam thiab ua rau tsis muaj kev phom sij txog kev noj qab haus huv.

Ua tim khawv

  1. ACOG: Asmeskas Kev Sib Tham ntawm Obstetricians thiab Gynecologist [Is Taws Nem]. Washington D.C .: American Congress ntawm Obstetricians thiab Gynecologist; c2017. Qhov Ntsuas Rh: Nws Yuav cuam tshuam li cas rau koj lub cev xeeb tub; 2013 Sep [qhia txog 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/The-Rh-Factor-How-It-Can-Affect-Your-Pregnancy#what
  2. American Cev xeeb Tub Lub Koom Haum [Is Taws Nem]. Irving (TX): Lub Koom Haum Asmeskas Kev Xeeb Tub; c2017. Rh Factor [hloov tshiab 2017 Mar 2; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-complications/rh-factor
  3. American Society of Hematology [Internet]. Washington D.C .: Asmeskas haiv neeg Hematology; c2017. Hematology Lub Ntsiab Lus [hais tawm 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: http://www.hematology.org/Patients/Basics/Glossary.aspx
  4. ClinLab Navigator [Is Taws Nem]. ClinLabNavigator; c2017. Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam Kev Raug Kab Mob Hauv Ib Ce [cited 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: http://www.clinlabnavigator.com/prenatal-immunohematologic-testing.html
  5. C.S. Mott Cov Menyuam Lub Tsev Kho Mob [Is Taws Nem]. Ann Arbor (MI): Cov Regents ntawm University of Michigan; c1995-2017. Coombs Tshuaj Tua Kab Mob (Kev Ntsig Xyuas thiab Kev Ncaj Ncees); 2016 Oct 14 [raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: http://www.mottchildren.org/health-library/hw44015
  6. Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas online [Internet]. Washington D.C .: Koom Haum Asmeskas Rau Chaw Kuaj Mob; c2001–2017. Ntshav Tes Lus: Cov Lus Nug Ntsig [kho 2015 Dec 16; hais tawm 2016 Sep 29]; [txog 5 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/blood-typing/tab/faq
  7. Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas online [Internet]. Cov Koom Haum Asmeskas rau Chaw Kho Mob Soj Ntsuam; c2001–2017. Cov Lus Txhais: Antigen [raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://labtestsonline.org/glossary/antigen
  8. Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas online [Internet]. Washington D.C .: Koom Haum Asmeskas Rau Chaw Kuaj Mob; c2001–2017. RBC Antibody Screen: Kev Tshuaj Ntsuas [hloov tshiab 2016 Apr 10; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 4 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/antiglobulin-indirect/tab/test
  9. Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas online [Internet]. Washington D.C .: Koom Haum Asmeskas Rau Chaw Kuaj Mob; c2001–2017. RBC Qhov Tshuaj Ntsuam Xyuas: Tus Qauv Ntsuas [kho tshiab 2016 Apr 10; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/antiglobulin-indirect/tab/sample
  10. Mayo Clinic [Internet]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education thiab Tshawb Fawb; c1998–2017. Kev Kuaj thiab Cov Txheej Txheem: Rh yam yuav kuaj ntshav; 2015 Lub Rau Hli 23 [raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/rh-factor/basics/definition/PRC-20013476?p=1
  11. Teb Chaws Lub Plawv, Lub Ntsws, thiab Koom Haum Ntshav [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Asmeskas Lub Chaw Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv thiab Tib Neeg; Txoj Kev Kuaj Mob ntshav Dab Tsi Zoo Li Cas? [kho tshiab 2012 Jan 6; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 5 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/bdt/risks
  12. Teb Chaws Lub Plawv, Lub Ntsws, thiab Koom Haum Ntshav [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Asmeskas Lub Chaw Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv thiab Tib Neeg; Dab tsi yog Rh Incompatibility? [kho tshiab 2011 Jan 1; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/rh
  13. Teb Chaws Lub Plawv, Lub Ntsws, thiab Koom Haum Ntshav [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Asmeskas Lub Chaw Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv thiab Tib Neeg; Dab Tsi Yuav Cia Siab Nrog Kev Ntshav [kho tshiab 2012 Jan 6; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 4 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/bdt/with
  14. NorthShore University Health System [Is Taws Nem]. NorthShore University Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv; c2017. Zej Zog & Txheej Xwm: Hom Ntshav [hais tawm 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.northshore.org/community-events/donating-blood/blood-types
  15. Kev Tshawb Nrhiav Yeeb Yam [Internet]. Kev Tshawb Nrhiav Yeeb Yam; c2000–2017. Chaw Kho Mob Txog Chaw Kho Mob: ABO Pawg thiab Rh Hom [raug muab 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://education.questdiagnostics.com/faq/FAQ111
  16. University of Rochester Medical Center [Internet]. Rochester (NY): Tsev kawm qib siab Rochester Medical Center; c2017. Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Phau Ntawv Teev Npe: Kab Mob ntshav Liab Antibody [raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 2 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=167&contentid ;=red_blood_cell_antibody
  17. UW Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv [Is Taws Nem]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin Cov Tsev Kho Mob thiab Chaw Kho Mob; c2017. Cov Ntaub Ntawv Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv: Kuaj Ntshav Hom Ntsuas [kho tshiab 2016 Oct 14; raug nplua 2017 Sep 29]; [txog 3 ntxaij]. Muaj los ntawm: https://www.uwhealth.org/health/topic/medicaltest/blood-type/hw3681.html

Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub xaib no yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los hloov chaw kho mob lossis tswv yim kho mob. Hu rau kws kho mob yog tias koj muaj lus nug txog koj txoj kev noj qab haus huv.

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