Tus Sau: Carl Weaver
Hnub Kev Tsim: 22 Lub Ob Hli Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 8 Taug Kev 2025
Maiv Xyooj ~ "Lub Kua Muag Tu Moo" with Lyrics (Official Music Video)
Daim Duab: Maiv Xyooj ~ "Lub Kua Muag Tu Moo" with Lyrics (Official Music Video)

Zoo Siab

Pib noj zaub mov nrog zaub xam lav yog ntse, tab sis txhim kho nws nrog tshuaj ntsuab tshiab yog qhov ntse dua. Elizabeth Somer, RD, tus sau ntawm 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet (McGraw-Hill) hais tias "Peb nyiam saib lawv ua ib qho khoom qab zib, tab sis lawv kuj yog qhov zoo ntawm cov tshuaj antioxidants," hais tias Elizabeth Somer, RD. Piv nrog qee yam txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab zaub, qee cov tshuaj ntsuab muaj ntau dua 10 npaug ntawm cov mob qog noj ntshav no-thiab mob plawv-sib ntaus sib tua, raws li kev tshawb fawb tsis ntev los no. Nws hais tias "Xav txog cov tshuaj ntsuab tshiab yog cov khoom lag luam hauv lub tawb nqa khoom, ib yam li zaub xas lav lossis menyuam yaus carrots," nws hais.

Kev siv tshuaj ntsuab hauv cov tais diav uas twb tau ntim nrog cov tshuaj antioxidants tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev sib koom ua ke muaj zog, nthuav tawm tsab ntawv ceeb toom tsis ntev los no hauv British Journal of Nutrition. Xws li marjoram hauv cov zaub xam lav nrog cov txiv lws suav muaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob antioxidant, cov roj txiv roj ntxiv, thiab kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo ua rau kom muaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob tag nrho li ntawm 200 feem pua; suav nrog txiv qaub balm txhawb nws 150 feem pua. Thiab koj tsis xav tau ib tuj - ob peb sprigs nrog rau feem ntau cov zaub mov yog txaus. Yuav kom tau txais koj cov koob tshuaj txhua hnub, sib tov mint rau hauv koj thaum sawv ntxov smoothie los yog tuck basil rau hauv cov qhaub cij. Sab saum toj Disease Fighters


Zoo tshaj hauv cov tais diav nqaij qaib, kua zaub, thiab ntses, nws tseem tuaj yeem tiv thaiv kab mob khees xaws thiab tawv nqaij.


Ntxiv cov zip rau omelettes, nqaij nyuj, thiab pasta nrog rau qhov no savory tiv thaiv kab mob.


Sim ua cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob hauv cov khoom noj thiab cov zaub xam lav los yog tshaj cov veggies.


Ntim nrog vitamin C, cov khoom noj no yog ntuj tsim hauv cov zaub xam lav, dips, thiab cov tais diav ntses.

Tshuaj xyuas rau

Kev tshaj tawm

Peb Kev Pom Zoo

30 Daim Ntawv Ua Noj Ua Si Thaum Lub Caij Nplooj Hlav: Citrus Salad

30 Daim Ntawv Ua Noj Ua Si Thaum Lub Caij Nplooj Hlav: Citrus Salad

Lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav tuaj txog, nqa nrog nw cov khoom noj muaj txiaj nt ig thiab qab ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab veggie ua ua rau kev noj qab nyob zoo t i yooj yim, xim, thiab kev lom zem...
7 Cov Khaub Ncaws Uas Muaj Lactose-Dawb Dej Khov

7 Cov Khaub Ncaws Uas Muaj Lactose-Dawb Dej Khov

Yog koj t i lacto e t i txau nt eeg tab i t i xav t o cov mi nyuj khov, koj t i yog ib leeg.Kev kwv yee 65–74% ntawm cov neeg lau thoob ntiaj teb t i raug lacto e, ib hom qab zib ib txwm muaj nyob hau...