Tus Sau: Joan Hall
Hnub Kev Tsim: 28 Lub Ob Hli Ntuj 2021
Hloov Hnub: 4 Taug Kev 2025
Tolnaftate Vs Clotrimazole (What’s the Difference?)
Daim Duab: Tolnaftate Vs Clotrimazole (What’s the Difference?)

Zoo Siab

Tolnaftate nres qhov kev loj hlob ntawm cov kab mob hu ua fungi uas ua rau kis mob ntawm daim tawv nqaij, suav nrog tus neeg ncaws pob taw, pob khaus, thiab mob txhab txiag.

Cov tshuaj no qee zaum sau tseg rau lwm qhov kev siv; nug koj tus kws kho mob lossis kws muag tshuaj kom paub ntaub ntawv ntau ntxiv.

Tolnaftate los ua lub qab zib, kua, hmoov, gel, tshuaj tsuag hmoov, thiab txau kua rau daim ntawv thov rau ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Tolnaftate feem ntau yog siv ob zaug ib hnub. Ua raws li cov lus qhia ntawm lub ntim lossis hauv koj daim ntawv sau tshuaj noj kom zoo, thiab nug koj tus kws kho mob lossis kws muag tshuaj kom piav qhia rau qee qhov koj tsis nkag siab. Siv tolnaftate raws nraim li qhia. Tsis txhob siv ntau dua lossis ntau dua lossis siv ntau dua li qhia los ntawm koj tus kws kho mob.

Kev kub nyhiab thiab mob ntawm cov kis las ko taw lossis khaus ntawm cov pob khaus yuav tsum txo li 2 mus rau 3 hnub. Txuas ntxiv kev kho mob tsawg kawg 2 lub lis piam tom qab cov tsos mob ploj. Ib tag nrho ntawm 4-6 lub lis piam ntawm kev kho mob yuav tsum tau tsim nyog.

Ua kom huv si rau thaj chaw muaj mob, cia nws qhuav, thiab tom qab ntawd maj mam txhuam cov tshuaj kom txog thaum nws feem ntau ploj. Siv tshuaj kom txaus txaus rau thaj chaw muaj teebmeem xwb. Koj yuav tsum ntxuav koj ob txhais tes tom qab thov cov tshuaj.

Cov tshuaj tsuag txau thiab cov hmoov sib tov yuav tsum tau thov ntawm cov ntiv taw; thom khwm thiab nkawm khau yuav tsum tau kho kom maj mam. Cov tshuaj txau yuav tsum tau muab co zoo ua ntej txhua qhov siv los sib tov cov tshuaj thiab tom qab ntawd muab txau los mus qhov luv li 6 ntiv.

Ua ntej siv tolnaftate,

  • qhia rau koj tus kws kho mob thiab kws muag tshuaj yog tias koj ua xua nrog tolnaftate lossis lwm yam tshuaj.
  • qhia rau koj tus kws kho mob thiab tus kws muag tshuaj uas siv tshuaj thiab cov ntawv uas tsis yog kws kho mob koj noj, suav nrog cov vitamins.
  • qhia koj tus kws kho mob yog tias koj cev xeeb tub, npaj yuav cev xeeb tub, lossis pub mis niam. Yog tias koj cev xeeb tub thaum siv tolnaftate, hu rau koj tus kws kho mob.

Siv tshuaj kom ploj thaum koj nco qab nws. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias nws yuav luag txog rau koob tshuaj txuas ntxiv, hla cov koob tshuaj uas tsis nco qab noj thiab txuas ntxiv koj lub sijhawm noj tshuaj kom tsis tu ncua. Tsis txhob siv ob npaug koob tshuaj rau qhov tsis ua nws qhov ploj.

Tolnaftate tuaj yeem ua phiv. Yog koj muaj cov tsos mob li nram no, hu rau koj tus kws kho mob:

  • daim tawv nqaij voos

Yog tias koj muaj kev mob tshwm sim loj, koj lossis koj tus kws kho mob tuaj yeem xa ntawv ceeb toom rau Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online (http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch) lossis hauv xov tooj ( 1-800-332-1088).

Khaws cov tshuaj no rau hauv lub khob uas nws nkag los, kaw kom nruj, thiab ncav tsis cuag ntawm cov menyuam. Khaws nws ntawm chav sov thiab deb ntawm qhov kub thiab noo noo (tsis nyob hauv chav dej). Tsis txhob xuas phom txau cov tshuaj tsuag lossis pov rau hauv hluav taws.

Cov tshuaj tsis siv tshuaj yuav tsum tau muab pov tseg hauv txoj kev tshwj xeeb kom ntseeg tau tias cov tsiaj, menyuam yaus, thiab lwm tus neeg tsis tuaj yeem haus lawv. Txawm li cas los xij, koj yuav tsum tsis txhob yaug cov tshuaj no hauv lub qhov viv. Hloov chaw, txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws hauv kev muab koj cov tshuaj tshem tawm yog los ntawm kev siv tshuaj rov qab. Tham nrog koj tus kws muag tshuaj lossis tiv tauj koj lub chaw khaws khib nyiab / chaw khaws khoom ubno hauv ib cheeb tsam kom paub txog cov haujlwm thim rov qab hauv koj lub zej zog. Saib ntawm FDA's Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Siv Tshuaj lub vev xaib (http://goo.gl/c4Rm4p) kom paub cov ntaub ntawv ntau ntxiv yog tias koj tsis muaj kev nkag mus saib rov qab.

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom tsis txhob muaj txhua yam tshuaj rau qhov tsis pom thiab ncav cuag ntawm cov menyuam yaus ntau li ntau ntim (xws li tshuaj ntsiav tshuaj txhua lub limtiam thiab cov tshuaj rau qhov muag, tshuaj pleev, pleev xim, thiab nqus tshuaj) tsis tiv thaiv menyuam yaus thiab cov menyuam yaus tuaj yeem qhib lawv tau yooj yim. Txhawm rau tiv thaiv cov menyuam yaus me los ntawm kev lom, ib txwm kaw lub kaus mom kev nyab xeeb thiab muab cov tshuaj tso rau qhov chaw nyab xeeb - ib qho chaw nyob thiab deb thiab tawm ntawm lawv pom thiab ncav cuag. http://www.upandaway.org

Khaws tag nrho cov kev teem caij ntsib nrog koj tus kws kho mob. Tolnaftate tsuas yog siv rau sab nraud nkaus xwb. Tsis txhob cia tolnaftate nkag mus rau hauv koj lub qhov muag, qhov ntswg, lossis qhov ncauj, thiab tsis txhob nqos nws. Tsis txhob siv cov ris tsho, ntaub qhwv, tshuaj pleev ib ce, pleev tshuaj, lossis lwm yam tshuaj rau tawv nqaij rau qhov chaw kho tshwj tsis yog koj tus kws kho mob hais rau koj.

Tsis txhob cia lwm tus siv koj cov tshuaj. Nug koj tus kws muag tshuaj cov lus nug uas koj muaj txog kev rov ntxiv tshuaj rau koj. Yog tias koj tseem muaj cov tsos mob ntawm tus mob tom qab koj ua tiav tolnaftate, hu rau koj tus kws kho mob.

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau koj kom koj muaj ib daim ntawv sau tag nrho cov tshuaj noj thiab cov tshuaj uas tsis yog kws kho mob sau ntawv (tsis yuav khoom) uas koj tab tom noj, nrog rau txhua yam khoom xws li cov vitamins, minerals, lossis lwm yam tshuaj noj rau lub cev. Koj yuav tsum nqa cov ntawv no nrog koj txhua zaus koj mus ntsib kws kho mob lossis yog tias koj tuaj nyob hauv tsev kho mob. Nws tseem yog cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb los nqa nrog koj thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev.

  • Ua tub sab® rau Cov Ntaus Pob Taw Aerosol Tsuag Kua
  • Ua tub sab® rau Cov Ntaus Pob Taw Aerosol Tsuag Hmoov
  • Ua tub sab® rau Jock Khaus Aerosol Tsuag Hmoov
  • Breezee® Mist Antifungal Ko Taw Hmoov
  • Tinactin®
  • Tinactin® Jock Khaws Lee
  • Tinactin® Jock Khaus Txau Hmoov
  • Tinactin® Kua Aerosol
  • Tinactin® Hmoov Aerosol
  • Ting® Antifungal Lee
  • Ting® Tshuaj Txhuam Tshuaj Txhuam
Kawg Kho - 08/15/2017

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